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Dagger provides a Helm chart to create a Dagger Engine DaemonSet on an OpenShift cluster. A DaemonSet ensures that all matching nodes run an instance of Dagger Engine.

First, create a values.yaml file to configure the Dagger Helm deployment. This includes a set of labels for the pod affinity and the taints and tolerations for the nodes.

nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""

tag: latest
- effect: NoSchedule
key: dagger-node
operator: Exists
- matchExpressions:
- key: dagger-node
operator: Exists

This configuration uses the label dagger-node=true to taint the nodes on which the Dagger Engine should be deployed.

Next, execute the following command for each node that is intended to host a Dagger Engine (replace the NODE-NAME placeholder with each node name):

oc adm taint nodes NODE-NAME dagger-node=true:NoSchedule

Install the Dagger Engine using the Dagger Helm chart and the configuration above:

helm upgrade --create-namespace --install --namespace dagger dagger oci:// -f values.yaml

The Dagger Engine DaemonSet configuration is designed to:

  • best utilize local Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) hard drives of the worker nodes
  • reduce the amount of network latency and bandwidth requirements
  • simplify routing of Dagger SDK and CLI requests

Finally, grant the necessary permissions for the default service account in the dagger namespace:


Without this step, pod creation will fail due to insufficient permissions to execute privileged containers with fixed user IDs and host path volume mounts.

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n dagger