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Custom Functions

In addition to providing a set of core functions and types, the Dagger API can also be extended with custom Dagger Functions and custom types. These custom Dagger Functions are just regular code, written in your usual language using a type-safe Dagger SDK, and packaged and shared in Dagger modules.

When a Dagger module is loaded into a Dagger session, the Dagger API is dynamically extended with new functions served by that module. So, after loading a Dagger module, an API client can now call all of the original core functions plus the new functions provided by that module.

Initialize a Dagger module

Dagger Functions are packaged, shared and reused using Dagger modules. A new Dagger module is initialized by calling dagger init. This creates a new dagger.json configuration file in the current working directory, together with sample Dagger Function source code. The configuration file will default the name of the module to the current directory name, unless an alternative is specified with the --name argument.

Once a module is initialized, dagger develop --sdk=... sets up or updates all the resources needed to develop the module locally. By default, the module source code will be stored in the current working directory, unless an alternative is specified with the --source argument.

The default template from dagger develop creates the following structure:

├── dagger.gen.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│ ├── dagger
│ ├── querybuilder
│ └── telemetry
└── main.go
└── dagger.json

In this structure:

  • dagger.json is the Dagger module configuration file.
  • go.mod/go.sum manage the Go module and its dependencies.
  • main.go is where your Dagger module code goes. It contains sample code to help you get started.
  • internal contains automatically-generated types and helpers needed to configure and run the module:
    • dagger contains definitions for the Dagger API that's tied to the currently running Dagger Engine container.
    • querybuilder has utilities for building GraphQL queries (used internally by the dagger package).
    • telemetry has utilities for sending Dagger Engine telemetry.

While you can use the utilities defined in the automatically-generated code above, you cannot edit these files. Even if you edit them locally, any changes will not be persisted when you run the module.

Create a Dagger Function

Here's an example of a Dagger Function which calls a remote API method and returns the result:

Update the main.go file with the following code:

package main

import (

type MyModule struct{}

func (m *MyModule) GetUser(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return dag.Container().
WithExec([]string{"apk", "add", "curl"}).
WithExec([]string{"apk", "add", "jq"}).
WithExec([]string{"sh", "-c", "curl | jq .results[0].name"}).

This Dagger Function includes the context as input and error as return in its signature.


You can try this Dagger Function by copying it into the default template generated by dagger init, but remember that you must update the module name in the code samples above to match the name used when your module was first initialized.

In simple terms, here is what this Dagger Function does:

  • It initializes a new container from an alpine base image.
  • It executes the apk add ... command in the container to add the curl and jq utilities.
  • It uses the curl utility to send an HTTP request to the URL and parses the response using jq.
  • It retrieves and returns the output stream of the last executed command as a string.

Here is an example call for this Dagger Function:

dagger call get-user

Here's what you should see:

"title": "Mrs",
"first": "Beatrice",
"last": "Lavigne"

Dagger Functions execute within containers spawned by the Dagger Engine. This "sandboxing" serves a few important purposes:

  1. Reproducibility: Executing in a well-defined and well-controlled container ensures that a Dagger Function runs the same way every time it is invoked. It also guards against creating "hidden dependencies" on ambient properties of the execution environment that could change at any moment.
  2. Caching: A reproducible containerized environment makes it possible to cache the result of Dagger Function execution, which in turn allows Dagger to automatically speed up operations.
  3. Security: Even when running third-party Dagger Functions sourced from a Git repository, those Dagger Functions will not have default access to your host environment (host files, directories, environment variables, etc.). Access to these host resources can only be granted by explicitly passing them as argument values to the Dagger Function.

When implementing Dagger Functions, you are free to write arbitrary code that will execute inside the Dagger module's container. You have access to the Dagger API to make calls to the core Dagger API or other Dagger modules you depend on, but you are also free to just use the language's standard library and/or imported third-party libraries.

The process your code executes in will currently be with the root user, but without a full set of Linux capabilities and other standard container sandboxing provided by runc.

The current working directory of your code will be an initially empty directory. You can write and read files and directories in this directory if needed. This includes using the Container.export(), Directory.export() or File.export() APIs to write those artifacts to this local directory if needed.